PLDT CALL ALL is the newest promo and service of PLDT.
PLDT CALL ALL is a wireless landline compatible to your mobile phones, its just a simcard and like other simcard it is just inserted in your mobile phone.
like any other landline it uses an area code to specify which province you are calling from.
for example:
- manila - 02
- cavite - 046
- etc..
PLDT's Call All is a free land line to landline calls anywhere in the philippines. it is just free for manila because of 02(area code). it means that if you get this promo/service your land line is automatically on 02 areacode. if you call a cavite landline whilst you are at cavite using your call all featured mobile phone you will be charge for 1php/minute(*subject to change) for the NDD calls, because you are calling a lond distance call from manila to cavite, just imagine your phone is always at manila even though you are out of the vicinity of metro manila.
PLDT Call All is just available to any one in the Philippines, via PLDT business Center.
you can avail this promo via:
if you already have land line you could signup for this promo/services just add +250 to your monthly telephone bill, for example you have a 700+ peso Telephone Bill you just add 250pesos to you bill it will be a 950 pesos per month, PLDT will give you a simcard, ready to be inserted to your mobile phone, it will have a 7 digit number exclusive of the area code...
so if you are already availing the 990 PLDT DSL promo/service the telephone bill will be a 990(DSL+landline bill) + 250(PLDT CALL ALL)= 1240(your total telephone bill per month), considerably lower than cellphone charges. imagine 250, calling all you want, and you can even call landline for free in manila, or even you are outside metro manila, you can call for free to any land line in metro manila.
750(landline bill)
+ 250(CALL ALL)
= 1000 per month
+ 250(Call All)
= 1240 per month
considerably lower than cellphone bills.